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ry: Embroidering the Facts of History, ed. P. Bouet, B. Levy and F. Neveux (Caen, 2004); King Harold II and the Bayeux Tapestry, ed. G. R. Owen-Crocker (Woodbridge, 2005); The Bayeux Tapestry: New Interpretations, ed. M. K. Foys, K. E. Overbey and D. Terkla (Woodbridge, 2009); The Bayeux Tapestry: New Approaches, ed. M. J. Lewis, G. R. Owen-Crocker and D. Terkla (Oxford, 2011)。

2D. J. Bernstein, The Mystery of the Bayeux Tapestry (London, 1986), 71–2.

3参与1999年卡昂会议的人都一致认为,正是奥多托人制作了挂毯。Bayeux Tapestry, ed. Bouet et al., 406. 有关和坎特伯雷方面的联系,可参见C. Hart, ‘The Bayeux Tapestry and Schools of Illumination at Canterbury’, ANS, 22 (2000), 117–67 and idem, ‘The Cicero-Aratea and the Bayeux Tapestry’, King Harold Ⅱ, ed. Owen-Crocker, 161–78。如果挂毯是奥多托人制作的,那么它的制作时间应当早于1082年,即奥多被囚禁的日期。但是,也有人提出,挂毯的制作时间可能比这个时间更晚。

4C. Hicks, The Bayeux Tapestry: The Life Story of a Masterpiece (London, 2006).

5M. J. Lewis, The Real World of the Bayeux Tapestry (Stroud, 2008); L. Ashe, Fiction and History in England (Cambridge, 2007), 35–45.

6M. Morris, A Great and Terrible King: Edward Ⅰ and the Forging of Britain (2008); Itinerary of Edward Ⅰ, ed. E. W Safford (3 vols., List and Index Society, 103, 132, 135, 1974–7); RRAN, 76–8.

7《盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史》有好几个版本的现代翻译。我所使用的是The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, ed. G. N. Garmonsway (new edn, London, 1972)以及Whitelock的翻译。EHD, ⅱ, 107–203. 我引用的都是年份,而不是页数。

8M. Chibnall, The Debate on the Norman Conquest (Manchester, 1999), 59.

9WP, 26–7; The Life and Letters of Edward A. Freeman, ed. W. R. W. Stephens (2 vols., London, 1895), ii, 216. 关于Freeman的性格,可参见DNB中的相关词条。

10D. Bates, ‘1066: Does the Date Still Matter?’, Historical Research,78 (2005), 446–7.

11P. Stafford, ‘Women and the Norman Conquest’, TRHS, 6th ser., 4 (1994), 221–49.

12Bates, ‘1066: Does the Date Still Matter?’, 447–51; R. Barber, ‘The Norman Conquest and the Media’, ANS, 26 (2004), 1–20; J. Gillingham, ‘“Slaves of the Normans?”: Gerald de Barri and Regnal Solidarity in Early Thirteenth-Century England’, Law, Laity and Solidarities: Essays in Honour of Susan Reynolds, ed. P. Stafford, J. L. Nelson and J. Martindale (Manchester, 2001), 160–70. 关于更具概括性的描述,可参见Chibnall, Debate, passim。

13例如R. A. Brown, The Normans and the Norman Conquest (2nd edn, Woodbridge, 1985), 5.

14‘Change of a magnitude and at a speed unparalleled in English history’: Garnett, Short Introduction, 5. 更为宏观的讨论可参见 Bates, ‘1066: Does the Date Still Matter?’, passim。

15关于这一话题,首先要参考John Gillingham的著作。他的大部分观点在The English in the Twelfth Century (Woodbridge, 2000)中都可以找到。

16R. R. Davies, The First English Empire: Power and Identities in the British Isles, 1093–1343 (Oxford, 2000)。

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