
2 丹麦人袭来

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21ASC E, 1035. 关于诺曼征服之前英格兰要人们的会议,可参见 J. R. Maddicott, The Origins of the English Parliament, 924–1327 (Oxford, 2010), 1–56。(关于这次会议,可参见该书的第39页。)

22ASC E, 1035.

23EER, 32–5, 38–41; ASC C, D and E, 1035.

24EER, [ⅹⅹⅹⅱ–xxxⅲ].

25GND, ⅱ, 104–7.

26EER, [xxxⅲ–xxxⅳ], 40–3.

27Ibid.; ASC C and D, 1036; GND, ii, 106–7; WP, 7. 在阿尔弗雷德渡海的时候,“为了应对武装反抗,他比他的哥哥准备得更加充分。他也在寻求他父亲的权杖”。JW, ii, 522–5.

28ASC E, 1035; EER, [ⅹⅹⅹ].

29Ibid., 42–7; ASC C and D, 1036; DNB Alfred Ætheling. 参见Barlow, Confessor, 45–6。

30参见 ASC C and D, 1036; GND, ii, 106–7; EER, [lxv], lxv, 42–5。

31ASC C, 1037.

32EER, [xxxⅴ–xxxⅶ]; 36–7, 46–9.

33Ibid., [xxxⅶ], 48–51.

34ASC E, 1040,哈罗德统治了4年16个星期。也就是说,他的统治开始于1035年11月下旬。简而言之,他是第一个被葬在威斯敏斯特教堂的国王。DNB Harold Ⅰ.

35ASC C, 1040.

36Ibid.; JW, ⅱ, 530–1.

37待发表的 JW volume 1,参见 A. Gransden, Historical Writing in England, c.550 to c.1307 (1974), 43–8。

38JW, ⅱ, 530–3. 他认为,戈德温给了哈撒克努特一艘船。事实上,伯爵在两年后曾赠给虔信者爱德华一艘船。在这里,他显然是混淆了哈撒克努特和虔信者。S. Keynes and R. Love, ‘Earl Godwine’s Ship’, Anglo-Saxon England, 38 (2009), 202–3.

39ASC C and E, 1040. 关于这些数据的讨论,可参见 M. K. Lawson, ‘The Collection of Danegeld and Heregeld in the Reigns of Æthelred Ⅱ and Cnut’, EHR, 99 (1984), 721–38; J. Gillingham, ‘“The Most Precious Jewel in the English Crown”: Levels of Danegeld and Heregeld in the Early Eleventh Century’, EHR,104 (1989), 373–84; Lawson, ‘“Those Stories Look True”: Levels of Taxation in the Reigns of Æthelred and Cnut’, EHR, 104 (1989), 385–406; Gillingham, ‘Chronicles and Coins as Evidence for Levels of Tribute and Taxation in Later Tenth- and Early Eleventh-Century England’, EHR, 105 (1990), 939–50; Lawson, ‘Danegeld and Heregeld Once More’, EHR, 105 (1990), 951–61。

40ASC E, 1040; P. Stafford, Unification and Conquest (1989), 81; JW, ⅱ, 532–3.

41ASC C, 1040, 1041.

42EER, 52–3; ASC C, 1041.

43J. R. Maddicott, ‘Edward the Confessor’s Return to England in 1041’, EHR, 119 (2004), 650–66.

44WP, 6–7; JW, ⅱ, 532–5; ASC C and E, 1040; Keynes and Love, ‘Earl Godwine’s Ship’, 195–6.

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