
2 丹麦人袭来

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1EHD, i, 335; GND, ii, 78–9; DNB Cnut.

2M. Hare, ‘Cnut and Lotharingia: Two Notes’, Anglo-Saxon England, 29 (2000), 261–8; HH, 17–18.

3DNB Cnut; The Letters and Poems of Fulbert of Chartres, ed. F. Behrends (Oxford, 1976), 67–9.

4N. Hooper, ‘The Housecarls in England in the Eleventh Century’, ANS, 7 (1985), 161–76. 相关总结可参见M. K. Lawson, The Battle of Hastings 1066 (Stroud, 2002), 158–9; ASC E, 1012; below, 32, 75–6.

5有学者认为,1086年的人口总量达到了1900万。J. S. Moore, ‘“Quot Homines?”: The Population of Domesday England’, ANS, 19 (1997), 307–34.

6例如F. M. Stenton, Anglo-Saxon England (3rd edn, Oxford, 1971) 以及 The Anglo-Saxons, ed. J. Campbell (1982) 当中的简短描述。一个著名的例外可见 J. M. Kemble, The Saxons in England (1849), ⅰ, 185–227. 关于总体情况,可参见D. A. E. Pelteret, Slavery in Early Mediæval England (Woodbridge, 1995); idem, ‘Slave Raiding and Slave Trading in Early England’, Anglo-Saxon England,9 (1981), 99–114; J. S. Moore, ‘Domesday Slavery’, ANS, 11 (1989), 191–220; D. Wyatt, ‘The Significance of Slavery: Alternative Approaches to Anglo-Saxon Slavery’, ANS, 23 (2001), 327–47。

7Pelteret, Slavery, 70.

8Ibid., 65.

9H. G. Richardson and G. O. Sayles, Law and Legislation from Æthelberht to Magna Carta (Edinburgh, 1966), 10, 16, 20–1.

10EHD, i, 931. 参见WM, Gesta Regum, 362–3, and WM, Saints’ Lives, 100–3。

11EHD, i, 468–9; A. Williams, The English and the Norman Conquest (Woodbridge, 1995), 73; P. A. Clarke, The English Nobility under Edward the Confessor (Oxford, 1994), 32–3.

12EHD, i, 930, 932.

13K. Mack, ‘Changing Thegns: Cnut’s Conquest and the English Aristocracy’, Albion, 4 (1984), 375–87.

14有关如尼文,可参见Anglo-Saxons, ed. Campbell, 198。

15S. Baxter, The Earls of Mercia: Lordship and Power in Late Anglo-Saxon England (Oxford, 2007), 26–8. 更为细致的分析可参见 S. Keynes, ‘Cnut’s Earls’, The Reign of Cnut: King of England, Denmark and Norway, ed. A. R. Rumble (1994), 43–88。

16DNB Godwine; ASC E, 1009; VER, 8–11.

17L. M. Larson, ‘The Political Policies of Cnut as King of England’, American Historical Review, 15 (1910), 735; DNB Thorkell; DNB Erik; Baxter, Earls of Mercia, 33–4.

18Ibid., 33–5.

19DNB Siward; R. Fleming, Kings and Lords in Conquest England (Cambridge, 1991), 48–52.

20Lawson, Cnut, 113–1

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