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r., 35 (1985), 75–94; J. Dunbabin, France in the Making, 843–1180 (2nd edn, Oxford, 2000), 1–16, 27.

9Ibid., 27–43.

10R. A. Brown, English Castles (2nd edn, 1976), 14–39; Fernie, Architecture, 3–14.

11Dunbabin, France in the Making, 43, 52–4; R. Bartlett, The Making of Europe: Conquest, Colonization and Cultural Change, 950–1350 (1993), 43–51.

12Dunbabin, France in the Making, 143–50.

13Ibid., 232–7; D. Crouch, The Birth of Nobility: Constructing Aristocracy in England and France 900–1300 (Harlow, 2005), 261–4. 参见T. N. Bisson, D. Barthélemy, S. D. White, C. Wickham和T. Reuter 有关“封建革命”的讨论。Past and Present, 142 (1994), 6–42; 152 (1996), 196–223; 155 (1997), 177–225.

14Bates, Normandy, passim. 相反的观点可参见 Searle, Predatory Kinship。也可以参见Bates有关Searle观点的评论。Speculum, 65 (1990), 1045–7.

15Bates, Normandy, 99, 156–7; D. C. Douglas, ‘The Earliest Norman Counts’, EHR, 61 (1946), 129–56.

16Fernie, Architecture, 11–12, 50; OV, iv, 290–1.

17Bates, Normandy, 65–8, 116–17, 165; R. H. C. Davis, ‘The Warhorses of the Normans’, ANS, 10 (1988), 67–82.

18H. E. J. Cowdrey, ‘The Peace and Truce of God in the Eleventh Century’, Past and Present, 46 (1970), 42–67.

19Bates, Normandy, 66–7, 174, 195.

20Douglas, Conqueror, 32–9; C. Potts, Monastic Revival and Regional Identity in Early Normandy (Woodbridge, 1997), 121, 128, 131.

21GND, ⅱ, 92–3, 110–11.

22Douglas, Conqueror, 37, 40; GND, ii, 92–5; OV, iv, 82–3.

23D. Bates, ‘The Conqueror’s Adolescence’, ANS, 25 (2003), 7–8; GND, ⅱ, 92–5, 98–9.

24Bates, ‘Conqueror’s Adolescence’ 3–4; WM, Gesta Regum, 426–7. 在这之后,人们就蒂利埃向亨利投降一事相互指责(参见GND, ⅱ, 100–1)。这可能足以解释,为什么当时的编年史家在描述威廉受封骑士的典礼的时候,没有提到国王在这一仪式中所扮演的角色。

25OV, ⅱ, 184–5, 258–61.

26WP, 6–9.

27Ibid., 8–9; Douglas, Conqueror, 44; Bates, Normandy, 176, 198.

28WP, 8–9.

29Ibid., 8–11; Douglas, Conqueror, 47–8; Bates, ‘Conqueror’s Adolescence’, 5–6, 13–15.

30Wace, 131–3; WP, 10–11; GND, ⅱ, 120–1; Douglas, Conqueror, 48–9; Bates, Normandy, 61–2.

31Wace, 133–7; WP, 10–11.

32Wace, 133, 138; E. Zadora-Rio, ‘L’enceinte fortifiée du Plessis-Grimoult, résidence seigneuriale du XIe siècle’, Chateau Gaillard, 5 (1972), 227–39; WP, 10–11; GND, ⅱ, 122–3.

33Bates, Normandy, 179.

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