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nfranc at Bec: A Reinterpretation’, Albion, 17 (1985), 12–13。

23GND, ⅱ, 128–9; WP, 30–1.

24很明显,她的父母直到1031年才有婚姻之实。Douglas, Conqueror, 392.

25参见 Crouch, Normans, 125. 1959年,人们曾对Matilda散落的少量骸骨进行过测量,并得出了她身高5英尺(约合1.5米)的结论。但是,卡昂的坟墓曾在16世纪被人毁坏,里面的东西四处散落。至少可以说,这个结论是值得怀疑的。参见J. Dewhurst, ‘A Historical Obstetric Enigma: How Tall Was Matilda?’, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1 (1981), 271–2。

26GND, ⅱ, 128–9.

27Bates, Normandy, 199–201.

28ASC C and D, 1049.

29GND, ⅱ, 128–31; WP, 32–3.

30P. Grierson, ‘The Relations Between England and Flanders Before the Norman Conquest’, TRHS, 4th ser., 23 (1941), 97–9.

31VER, 28–31; ASC C, D and E, 1051.

32例如 Garnett, Short Introduction, 26–39. Garnett(第35页)的确发现,他的论点“没有多少人支持”。

33GND, ⅱ, 158–9; WP, 18–21; ASC C and E, 1051; F. Barlow, The English Church, 1000–1066 (2nd edn, 1979) 298–300.

34ASC E, 1051; VER, 30–3.

35Barlow, Confessor, 307–8; ASC D and E, 1051.

36Ibid.; VER, 34–7.

37Ibid., 36–7; ASC E, 1051.

38例如Stafford, ‘Edith, Edward’s Wife’, 133–5。

39D. C. Douglas, ‘Edward the Confessor, Duke William of Normandy, and the English Succession’, EHR, 68 (1953), 526–34. 参见Baxter, ‘Edward the Confessor’, 90–5。

40Ibid.; John, ‘Edward the Confessor’, 253–5.

41Baxter, ‘Edward the Confessor’, 86, and Maps 4 and 5; ASC D, 1056.

42ASC D, 1051; Mortimer, ‘Edward the Confessor’, 27–8; Maddicott, ‘Edward the Confessor’s Return’, 653–6.

43Barlow, Confessor, 102; ASC C and E, 1050; C, 1051.

44ASC E, 1008; EHD, ii, 866; Lawson, Battle of Hastings, 154.

45ASC C, D and E, 1052; VER, 42–5.

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