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Baxter, ‘Domesday Book’, BBC History Magazine, 11 (August 2010), 24.

14EHD, ii, 881–2; S. Baxter, ‘The Making of Domesday Book and the Languages of Lordship in Conquered England’, Conceptualizing Multilingualism in England, c.800–c.1250, ed. E. M. Tyler (Turnhout, 2012), 277–8, 299–303.

15Carpenter, Struggle for Mastery, 103.

16Baxter, ‘Making of Domesday’, 278–84; S. P. J. Harvey, ‘Domesday Book and Anglo-Norman Governance’, TRHS, 5th ser., 25 (1975), 175–93; idem, ‘Domesday Book and Its Predecessors’, EHR, 86 (1971), 753–73.

17EHD, ii, 879–83; C. P. Lewis, ‘The Domesday Jurors’, Haskins Society Journal, 5 (1993), 18–19; R. Fleming, Domesday Book and the Law (Cambridge, 1998), 12.

18Baxter, ‘Making of Domesday’, 284–7.

19R. Lennard, Rural England, 1086–1135 (Oxford, 1959), 155–6. 参见Fleming, Domesday Book and the Law, 2–3。

20R. Fleming, ‘Domesday Book and the Tenurial Revolution’, ANS, 9 (1987), 88, 101. Fleming后来修改了她的估算结果。她认为,按照地理位置划分的封地占土地总量的比例不是 “大约四分之一”,而是“三分之一强”。idem, Kings and Lords, 211–12.

21Fleming, Domesday Book and the Law, 1; Abels, ‘Sheriffs, Lord-Seeking’, 33–6.

22EHD, ii, 530, 851; Lewis, ‘Domesday Jurors’, 19.

23Prestwich, Place of War, 114–15; Domesday Book, ed. Williams and Martin, 128, 1249.

24Above, 24, 75; Barlow, Confessor, 106, n5.

25EHD, ii, 483–6; J. A. Green, The Aristocracy of Norman England (Cambridge, 2002), 230.

26Palmer, ‘War and Domesday Waste’, 256–78. Palmer成功地驳倒了D. M. Palliser。D. M. Palliser, ‘Domesday Book and the Harrying of the North’, Northern History, 29 (1993), 1–23; History of the King’s Works, ed. Colvin, i, 24; Domesday Book, ed. Williams and Martin, 716–17, 882–3.

27WM, Gesta Regum, 464–5; SD, History, 137; Palmer, ‘War and Domesday Waste’, 273–4.

28S. Baxter, ‘Lordship and Labour’, A Social History of England, 900–1200, ed. J. Crick and E. van Houts (Cambridge, 2011), 104–7; Domesday Book, ed. Williams and Martin, 409; ASC E, 1087; EHD, ii, 882.

29Fleming, Kings and Lords, 123–6; Baxter, ‘Lordship and Labour’, 105; R. Faith, The English Peasantry and the Growth of Lordship (1997), 215.

30Baxter, ‘Lordship and Labour’, 104, 107, 109–10; idem, ‘Domesday Bourn’, in D. Baxter, Medieval Bourn (Cambridge, 2008), 35–45; ASC E, 1087.

31S. P. J. Harvey, ‘Taxation and the Economy’, Domesday Studies, ed. J. C. Holt (Woodbridge 1987), 256–62.

32Loyn, ‘General Introduction’, 14; EHD, ii, 484.

33ASC E, 1083.

34ASC E, 1085; Harvey, ‘Domesday Book and Anglo-Norman Governance’, 181; N. J. Higham, ‘The Domesday Survey: Context and Purpose’, History, 78 (1993), 14–16.

35F.W. Maitland, Domesday Book and Beyond (new edn, 1960), 27–8. 也可参见 P. Hyams, ‘“No Register of Title”: The Domesday Inquest and Land Adjudication’, ANS, 9 (1987), 127–41; Maddicott, ‘Responses’, 996–7。


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