
14 严峻的考验

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rsemen, pp. 293–314.

11Anatole Mazour, The First Russian Revolution, 1825: The Decembrist Movement, Its Origins, Development, and Significance (Stanford, 1937), ch. 8; Grandhaye, Les décembristes, ch. 7.

12Aleksander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin (1833), trans. Stanley Mitchell (London, 2008), p. 213.

13Mazour, The First Russian Revolution, ch. 4; Patrick O’Meara, The Decembrist Pavel Pestel: Russia’s First Republican (Basingstoke, 2003), ch. 6; Glynn R. V. Barratt (ed.), Voices in Exile: The Decembrist Memoirs (Montreal, 1974), pp. 1–10; Susanna Rabow-Edling, ‘The Decembrists and the Concept of a Civic Nation’, Nationalities Papers, vol. 35, no. 2 (May 2007), pp. 369–91; Grandhaye, Les décembristes, ch. 6; Raeff, The Decembrist Movement, chs. 4–6. 关于19世纪初对爱国主义的广泛讨论,参见 Maurizio Viroli, For Love of Country: An Essay on Patriotism and Nationalism (Oxford, 1995)。

14W. Bruce Lincoln, Nicholas I: Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias (Bloomington, IN, 1978), p. 79; Figes, Natasha’s Dance, pp. 72–3; Stites, The Four Horsemen, p. 256.

15N. M. Karamzin, Zapiski o drevnei i novoi Rossii (St. Petersburg, 1914), p. 122.

16Pavla Miller, The Transformations of Patriarchy in the West, 1500–1900 (Bloomington, IN, 1998); Susan K. Morrissey, Suicide and the Body Politic in Imperial Russia (Cambridge, 2006), pp. 11–12; Richard S. Wortman, Scenarios of Power: Myth and Ceremony in Russian Monarchy, 2 vols. (Princeton, 1995), vol. 1, ch. 9.

17‘‘Gosudar’! Ispoveduiu tebe iako boiashchiisia boga’, Istoricheskii arkhiv, 2006, no. 1, pp. 166–7, 174.

18IRLI RAN, f. 57, op. 5, n. 2, ll. 27, 273; B. Syroechkovskii, ‘Iz zapisok Nikolaia I o 14 dekabria 1825 g.’, Krasnyi arkhiv, 1924, no. 4, pp. 230–31; N. F. Karash, Kniaz’ Sergei Volkonskii: istoriia zhizni dekabrista (Irkutsk, 2006), pp. 161–2.

19Roman Koropeckyj, Adam Mickiewicz: The Life of a Romantic (Ithaca, 2008), p. 72.

20N. K. Shil’der, Imperator Nikolai Pervyi: ego zhizn’ i tsarstvovanie, 2 vols. (St. Petersburg, 1897), vol. 1, pp. 453–4.

21A. I. Gertsen, ‘Byloe i dumy’, Sobranie sochinenii, 30 vols. (Moscow, 1954–65), vol. 8, p. 61; ‘Manifest 13 iulia 1826’, in Nevelev (ed.), Dekabristskii kontekst, p. 25.

22‘Kazn’ 14 iiulia 1825 goda’, Poliarnaia zvezda, 1861, no. 6, pp. 72–5; Mazour, The First Russian Revolution, p. 213.

23N. Ramazanov, ‘Kazn’ dekabristov. Rasskazy sovremennikov’, Russkii arkhiv, 1881, no. 2, pp. 341–6; Ludmilla A. Trigos, ‘The Spectacle of the Scaffold: Performance and Subversion in the Execution of the Decembrists’, in Marcus Levitt and Tatyana Novikov (eds.), Times of Trouble: Violence in Russian Literature and Culture (Madison, WI, 2007), pp. 42–56. 事实上,正是因为死刑在约七十年的时间里基本没有使用过,所以俄国必须要从瑞典找来专业绞刑执行人;俄国国内没有绞刑执行人。Mikhail Zetlin, The Decembrists (New York, 1958), p. 277.

24‘Manifest 13 iulia 1826’, in Nevelev (ed.), Dekabristskii kontekst, p. 25.

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