
1 未来的国王

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6本章有关Æthelred的所有内容都可以从他的DNB条目中找到。更多细节可参见R. Lavelle, Aethelred II: King of the English, 978–1016 (Stroud, 2008). A.Williams, Æthelred the Unready: The Ill-Counselled King (2003)。

7有关诺曼底的早期历史,可参见D. Bates, Normandy before 1066 (Harlow, 1982)。

8关于诺曼人在多大程度上保留了他们的北方人特质,可参见Bates, Normandy. E. Searle, Predatory Kinship and the Creation of Norman Power, 840–1066 (Berkeley, 1988).

9ASC E, 1014.

10EHD, ⅰ, 247, 335–6; below, 23.

11Barlow, Confessor, 35n.

12S. Keynes, ‘The Æthelings in Normandy’, ANS, 13 (1991), 176–81; ASC E, 1016, 1017.

13ASC E, 1017; GND, ii, 20–1; EER, [xxii–xxiv], 32–5. 同样可参见 E. van Houts, ‘A Note on Jezebel and Semiramis, Two Latin Poems from the Early Eleventh Century’, idem, History and Family Traditions in England and the Continent, 1000–1200 (Aldershot, 1999), Ⅲ, 18–24。

14E. van Houts, ‘Edward and Normandy’, Edward the Confessor, ed. Mortimer, 64.

15M. K. Lawson, Cnut: The Danes in England in the Early Eleventh Century (1993), 86–8; cf. Keynes, Æthelings’, 181–4.

16理查二世是在1026年8月23日去世的。理查三世则死于1027年8月5—6日。参见 D. Douglas, ‘Some Problems of Early Norman Chronology’, EHR, 65 (1950), 296–303; D. Crouch, The Normans (2002), 46–8。

17GND, ii, 76–8; E. van Houts, ‘The Political Relations between Normandy and England before 1066 according to the Gesta Normannorum Ducum’, idem, History and Family Traditions, Ⅴ, 85–97.

18Sources and Documents, 8; GND, ⅰ, xxxii–xxxv; ii, 76–9; Keynes, Æthelings’, 186–94.

19Sources and Documents, 8; GND, ⅱ, 78–9.

20Ibid.; R. Mortimer, ‘Edward the Confessor: The Man and the Legend’, Edward the Confessor, ed. Mortimer, 4–5.

21GND, ii, 79–85. 罗贝尔在君士坦丁堡见到拜占庭皇帝的故事见于GND的一个晚期修订本。这一故事已经被证伪了。参见E. van Houts, ‘Normandy and Byzantium in the Eleventh Century’, idem, History and Family Traditions, Ⅰ, 544–59。

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