
5 上帝的战士们

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edieval Architecture (Oxford, 1999),特别是Ch. 9; Fernie, Architecture, 3–14。

27除了鲁昂大教堂和巴约大教堂的地下室以外,几乎没有任何建筑留存下来。Brown, Normans and the Norman Conquest, 25–6.

28Bates, Normandy, 202, 210.

29OV, ⅲ, 120–3.

30Holland, Millennium, 264–7.

31GND, ⅱ, 113–19; Le Patourel, ‘Geoffrey of Montbray’, 133–4; D. Bates, ‘The Character and Career of Odo, Bishop of Bayeux (1049/50–1097)’, Speculum, 50 (1975), 2–3.

32GND, ⅱ, 118–19; Le Patourel, ‘Geoffrey of Montbray’, 135–7; Vaughn, ‘Lanfranc at Bec’, 145–7; below, 112

33WP, 82–3; Bates, Normandy, 201.

34Douglas, Conqueror, 121; WP, 88–9.

35Ibid., 50–5.

36Douglas, Conqueror, 72; GND, ⅱ, 126–9.

37WP, 54–5; Douglas, Conqueror, 72–3 (cf. Bates, Conqueror, 38); Gillingham, ‘William the Bastard’, 108–9.

38Ibid., 107; WP, 54–7; GND, ⅱ, 150–3.

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