
6 戈德温家族

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6), 205–13; Hare, ‘Cnut and Lotharingia’, passim. 虽然克努特同样与洛林有联系,而且让一个洛陶林吉奥人担任主教,但是这并不意味着,爱德华只是在延续早期的政策。毕竟,诺曼底的威廉也让一个名叫玛立利的洛陶林吉奥人担任了鲁昂大主教。更有甚者,既然埃尔曼和利奥弗里克在1041年与爱德华一起渡过了海峡,他们的任职就很难被看作是本地人阻止诺曼人晋升的尝试(这一尝试是由戈德温所主导的)。

10Barlow, English Church, 1000–1066, 82–4, 301–2; DNB Leofric; DNB Hermann.

11Barlow, English Church, 1000–1066, 86. VER, 30–1; WM, Gesta Pontificum, 286–9.

12DNB Stigand; VER, 36–7.

13DNB Stigand; WM, Gesta Pontificum, 46–7.

14ASC C, 1053; WM, Gesta Regum, 354–5.

15DNB Harold Ⅱ; VER, 46–9.

16Baxter, Earls of Mercia, 43–5.

17Barlow, Confessor, 188–213, and Baxter, ‘Edward the Confessor’, 96. 他们认为国王的确重新得到了某种主动权。参见Mortimer, ‘Edward the Confessor’, 28–31。

18JW, ii, 502–3; 参见 ASC D 1057. 同样可参见 DNB Edward the Exile; S. Keynes, ‘The Crowland Psalter and the Sons of King Edmund Ironside’, Bodleian Library Record, 6 (1985), 359–70。

19JW, ⅱ, 574–5. JW也表示,奥尔德雷德此行是奉国王之命,但这似乎是作者自己的假设。参见Barlow, Confessor, 189。

20VER, 34–5; Barlow, Confessor, 201–3.

21VER, 48–51.

22S. Baxter, ‘MSC of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and the Politics of Mid-Eleventh-Century England’, EHR, 122 (2007), 1189–1227.

23K. L. Maund, ‘The Welsh Alliances of Earl Ælfgar of Mercia and his Family in the Mid-Eleventh Century’, ANS, 11 (1988), 181–90.

24VER, 36–7, 52–3, 82–3; P. Grierson, ‘A Visit of Earl Harold to Flanders in 1056’, EHR, 51 (1936), 90–7, 参见Baxter, ‘Edward the Confessor’, 97。

25Ibid., 97–8. 关于阴谋论,可参见 E. Mason, The House of Godwine: The History of a Dynasty (2004), 92; John, ‘Edward the Confessor’, 257。

26DNB Edgar Ætheling; Baxter, ‘Edward the Confessor’, 98–101.

27Ibid., 103–4; VER, 50–1.

28修订后的说法见Baxter, Earls of Mercia, 128–38,原观点见Fleming, Kings and Lords, 53–71。DNB Harold.

29Barlow, English Church, 1000–1066, 86–93, 304–5; DNB Stigand.

30VER, 54–5, 60–3.

31Baxter, Earls of Mercia, 48; idem, ‘Edward the Confessor’, Map 11.

32ASC D and E, 1063; JW, ⅱ, 592–3; R. R. Davies, The Age of Conquest: Wales, 1063–1415 (Oxford, 2000), 24, 26.

33ASC E, 1063; Gerald of Wales, The Journey through Wales and the Description of Wales, transl. L.Thorpe (1978), 266.

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