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eror’, ANS, 10 (1988), 159–83.

29Wace, 158–9 (see also HH, 24–5); WP, 106–7.

30B. Bachrach, ‘On the Origins of William the Conqueror’s Horse Transports’, Technology and Culture, 26 (1985), 505–31。他认为,诺曼人没有运送马匹的技术,他们的船也一定是从地中海那里获得的。但是,他(第514页)的主要论据是《黑斯廷斯战役之歌》中的一条被误翻的记录。The Carmen de Hastingae Proelio, ed. C. Morton and H. Muntz (Oxford, 1972), 18–19. 参见Carmen, 14–15, and C. M. Gillmor, ‘Naval Logistics of the Cross-Channel Operation, 1066’, ANS, 7 (1984), 111–13。

31WP, 106–7; ASC C and D, 1066; GND, ⅱ, 162–3.

32Snorri, 135–6; OV, ii, 141–3. Freeman, Norman Conquest, ⅲ, 708–13. 弗里曼(“托斯蒂被流放之后的行动”)称,瑞米耶日的威廉的论述支持了奥德里克的观点。他所不知道的是,这段引发人们怀疑的话是奥德里克自己的创造。GND, ⅱ, 162–3.

33JW, ⅱ, 600–1. 该书在《盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史》的基础上增加了“从佛兰德回来”这一句话。Gaimar, Estoire, 280–1. 该书称,托斯蒂队伍中的大部分人都是佛兰芒人。

34ASC C, D and E, 1066.

35Ibid.; above, 76; JW, ⅱ, 600–1.

36ASC C, 1066. 也可参见WP, 106–7。

37Recueil des actes des ducs de Normandie de 911 à 1066, ed. M. Fauroux (Caen, 1961), 442–3, no. 231; Brown, Normans and the Norman Conquest, 127.

38Wace, 163; Gillmor, ‘Naval Logistics’, 109–16. 1997年,人们在博物馆的建造地找到了更多的船只。其中一艘是克努特时期所建造的船,长36米,是人们迄今为止所发现的最长的船。

39Van Houts, ‘Ship List’, 166, 176, 179; GND, ⅱ, 164–5; Wace, 163.

40Van Houts, ‘Ship List’, 170, 176, 179; OV, ⅱ, 144–5; WP, 102–3, 130–1.

41Ibid., 102–3, 116–17; OV, ii, 168–9; Carmen, 8–9; van Houts, ‘Norman Conquest Through European Eyes’, 846, n3.

42Lawson, Battle of Hastings, 176–86.他有效地总结了相关证据。但是,他也接受了编年史著作中的大量数据,难以令人信服。

43WP, xxiv–xxvi, 102–3. 参见Bates, Conqueror, III; Morris, Great and Terrible King, 272–3; C. and G. Grainge, ‘The Pevensey Expedition: Brilliantly Executed Plan or Near Disaster?’, Battle of Hastings, ed. Morillo, 130–42。

44B. Bachrach, ‘Some Observations on the Military Administration of the Norman Conquest’, ANS, 8 (1986), 1–25. 然而,需要注意Davis针对这一估算数量的批评。Davis, ‘Warhorses of the Normans’, 69, 80.

45WP, 102–5.

46ASC C, 1066.

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