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br />23ASC D, 1066; OV, ii, 172–3; Lawson, Battle of Hastings, 56–8.

24ASC D, 1066; GND, ii, 166–9; WM, Gesta Regum, 452–5.

25WP, 124–5; The Chronicle of Battle Abbey, ed. and trans. E. Searle (Oxford, 1980), 34–7; ‘The Brevis Relatio de Guillelmo nobilissimo comite Normannorum’, ed. E. van Houts, idem, History and Family Traditions, VII, 31.

26WP, 124–7; Carmen, 20–1; WM, Gesta Regum, 422–3; Wace, 178. ASC D 的编写者说了同样的话,即哈罗德的部队规模庞大。

27WP, 126–7; Carmen, 22–3; Chronicle of Battle Abbey, ed. Searle, 44–5.

28WP; 128–9; Carmen, 24–5; Carmen, ed. Morton and Muntz, 112–15; HH, 26.

29WP, 128–9; Carmen, 24–5.


31WP, 128–9; Carmen, 22–3.

32Ibid., 26–9; WP, 128–31.

33Ibid., 132–3.

34Carmen, 26–7; WP, 128–9, 132–3; GND, ii, 102–5.

35WP, 132–3.

36Carmen, 32–3; WP, 136–7; GND, ii, 168–9. 在同一个段落里,瑞米耶日就推翻了他自己的说法。他说,哈罗德“在双方第一次交锋的时候”就死去了。一个可能的解释可参见Gillingham, ‘William the Bastard’, 101, n36。

37Brown, Bayeux Tapestry, 174;(他翻译了鲍德里的说法。)WM, Gesta Regum, 454–5; HH, 28.

38D. Bernstein, ‘The Blinding of Harold and the Meaning of the Bayeux Tapestry’, ANS, 5 (1983), 41–8; Lawson, Battle of Hastings, 255–66.

39Bernstein, Mystery, 171–4; idem, ‘Blinding of Harold’, 60–4.

40M. K. Foys, ‘Pulling the Arrow Out: The Legend of Harold’s Death and the Bayeux Tapestry’, Bayeux Tapestry, ed. Foys, Overby and Terkla, 158–75; C. Dennis, ‘The Strange Death of King Harold II’, The Historian (2009), 14–18.

41Carmen, 32–3; Bernstein, Mystery, 160.

42Brown, ‘Battle of Hastings’, 215.

43J. Gillingham, ‘“Holding to the Rules of War (Bellica Iura Tenentes)”: Right Conduct Before, During and After Battle in North-Western Europe in the Eleventh Century’, ANS, 29 (2007), 8–11; above, 81–2; Carmen, lxxxii–lxxxv.

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