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of Religious Houses: England and Wales, 1, 940–1216, ed. D. Knowles, C. N. L. Brooke and V. M. C. London (2nd edn, Cambridge, 2001), 24, 36, 66.人们大多认为,阿宾登的奥尔德雷德是在1071年被革职的。这一说法的论据来自Historia Ecclesie Abbendonensis, ed. Hudson, i, 224–9。但是,在这本书中,事件的发生顺序十分混乱。唯一能确定的是,奥尔德雷德是在1068年之后被罢免的。

18F. Barlow, The English Church, 1066–1154 (1979), 61–2; DNB Thomas of Bayeux; DNB Walcher. 活下来的英格兰主教有埃克塞特的利奥弗里克(1072年卒)、罗切斯特的休厄德(1072年卒)以及伍斯特的伍尔夫斯坦(1095年卒)。

19Above 76, 144–5, 202.

20Matthew Paris, Historia Anglorum, ed. F. Madden (3 vols., Rolls Ser., 1866–9), i, 12–13; RRAN, 449–52 (no. 131). 早在19世纪晚期,这一争论就已经出现了,所以有关这一争论的论文数量很多。经典的论文有J. H. Round, ‘The Introduction of Knight Service into England’, idem, Feudal England (new edn, 1964), 182–245; J. C. Holt, ‘The Introduction of Knight Service in England’, idem, Colonial England (1997), 41–58; J. Gillingham, ‘The Introduction of Knight Service into England’, idem, English in the Twelfth Century, 187–208。

21Liber Eliensis, ed. E. O. Blake (Camden Soc, 3rd ser., 92, 1962), 216–17; Liber Eliensis: A History of the Isle of Ely, trans. J. Fairweather (Woodbridge, 2005), 258–9; Historia Ecclesie Abbendonensis, ed. Hudson, ii, 4–7.

22ASC E, 1070.

23E. M. C. van Houts, ‘Hereward and Flanders’, Anglo-Saxon England, 28 (2000), 201–23; DNB Hereward.

24ASC E, 1070.

25Ibid.; WM, Gesta Pontificum, 628–9.

26OV, ii, 232–5.

27Ibid.; ASC E, 1070; JW, iii, 14–15.

28RRAN, 79; below, 254; OV, ii, 256–7.

29Ibid. 《赫里沃德传》 引自M. Swanton的英文翻译。Robin Hood and Other Outlaw Tales, ed. S. Knight and T. Ohlgren (2nd edn, Kalamazoo, 2000), 647, 651.

30Above, 219–20, 238; SD, History, 137–8, 142; ASC E, 1071.

31Baxter, Earls of Mercia, 277–8, 284–7; above, 218; OV, ii, 218–19; JW, iii, 18–19.

32Baxter, Earls of Mercia, 286–96; above, 71, 175.

33ASC D, 1071; JW, iii, 20–1; Baxter, Earls of Mercia, 261–6.

34RRAN, 79; ASC D and E, 1071; JW, iii, 20–1.

35Gesta Herewardi, 649–58; Liber Eliensis, ed. Blake, 191–4 (trans. Fairweather, 226–9). 《伊利史》写道,威廉是在10月27日到达伊利的。

36ASC D and E, 1071; JW, iii, 20–1.

37OV, ii, 256–9; Williams, English and the Norman Conquest, 53.

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