
16 觅食的饿狼

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15Ibid., 153–8.

16Ibid., 160–1, 176–8.

17Ibid., 178–9.

18D. A. Carpenter, The Struggle for Mastery: Britain 1066–1284 (2003), 81–2; OV, ii, 262–3.

19Historia Ecclesie Abbendonensis, ed. Hudson, ii, 6–7.

20WM, Gesta Pontificum, 426–7; WM, Saints’ Lives, 130–1.

21EHD, ii, 897–8.

22Liddiard, Castles in Context, 28–30.

23S. Painter, ‘Castle-Guard’ and L. Butler, ‘The Origins of the Honour of Richmond and its Castles’, both in Anglo-Norman Castles, ed. R. Liddiard (Woodbridge, 2003), 91–104, 203–10. 同样地,可参见H. M. Thomas, ‘Subinfeudation and Alienation of Land, Economic Development and the Wealth of Nobles on the Honor of Richmond, 1066 to c. 1300’, Albion, 26 (1994), 397–417。

24Carpenter, Struggle for Mastery, 85–6; Williams, English and the Norman Conquest, 74–5; R. Abels, ‘Sheriffs, Lord-Seeking and the Norman Settlement of the South-East Midlands’, ANS, 19 (1997), 23–31.

25关于诺曼人夺取土地的整体状况,可参见Fleming, Kings and Lords, 183–214 (188–9 for Richard fitz Gilbert)。

26Abels, ‘Sheriffs, Lord-Seeking’, 32–40. 同时可参见J. Green, ‘The Sheriffs of William the Conqueror’, ANS, 5 (1983), 129–43。

27EHD, ii, 431–2.

28Fleming, Kings and Lords, 205–6.

29EHD, ii, 449–51. 相关评价可参见J. Le Patourel, ‘The Reports on the Trial on Penenden Heath’, Studies in Medieval History Presented to Frederick Maurice Powicke, ed. R. W Hunt, W. A. Pan tin and R. W Southern (Oxford, 1948); D. Bates, ‘Land Pleas of William Is Reign: Penenden Heath Revisited’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, 51 (1978), 1–19; A. Cooper, ‘Extraordinary Privilege: The Trial of Penenden Heath and the Domesday Inquest’, EHR, 116 (2001), 1167–92。

30OV, ii, 266–7; Thomas of Marlborough, History of the Abbey of Evesham, 176–7; Fleming, Kings and Lords, 189–91.

31OV, ii, 270–81 (cf. 94–5); E. M. C. van Houts, ‘The Memory of 1066 in Written and Oral Traditions’, ANS, 19 (1997), 176–7.

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