
14 严峻的考验

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, Beyond Papillon: The French Overseas Penal Colonies, 1854–1952 (Lincoln, NE, 2006), p. 12.

9A. P. Chekhov, ‘V ssylke’, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii i pisem, 20 vols. (Moscow, 1944–51), vol. 8, p. 87.

10Iaroslavskie eparkhial’nye vedomosti, 1892, no. 24, pp. 373–5; Lobashkov, Istoriia ssyl’nogo kolokola, pp. 39–41.

11Frith Maier, ‘The Forgotten George Kennan: From Cheerleader to Critic of Tsarist Russia’, World Policy Journal, vol. 19, no. 4 (Winter 2002–3), pp. 79–84; Jane E. Good, ‘America and the Russian Revolutionary Movement, 1888–1905’, The Russian Review, vol. 41, no. 3 (July 1982), p. 274.

12George L. Yaney, The Systematization of Russian Government: Social Evolution in the Domestic Administration of Imperial Russia, 1711–1905 (Urbana, IL, 1973); Richard Pipes, Russia Under the Old Regime, 2nd edn (London, 1995), ch. 11.

1 流放制度的起源

1George V. Lantzeff and Richard A. Pierce, Eastward to Empire: Exploration and Conquest on the Russian Open Frontier, to 1750 (Montreal, 1973).

2Michael Khodarkovsky, Russia’s Steppe Frontier: The Making of a Colonial Empire, 1500–1800 (Bloomington, IN, 2002), ch. 3; George V. Lantzeff, Siberia in the Seventeenth Century (New York, 1972), pp. 87–8; Andrew A. Gentes, Exile to Siberia, 1590–1822 (Basingstoke, 2008), pp. 22–5; Janet M. Hartley, Siberia: A History of the People (New Haven, 2014), pp. 5–11.

3James Forsyth, A History of the Peoples of Siberia: Russia’s North Asian Colony, 1581–1990 (Cambridge, 1992), pp. 6–10; Andrew A. Gentes, Exile, Murder and Madness in Siberia, 1823–61 (Basingstoke, 2010), pp. 1–4.

4W. Bruce Lincoln, The Conquest of a Continent: Siberia and the Russians (Ithaca, 1994), pp. 48–56; Forsyth, A History of the Peoples of Siberia, pp. 10–28; Piers Vitebsky, Reindeer People: Living with Animals and Spirits in Siberia (London, 2011), chs. 1–2.

5Robert J. Kerner, The Urge to the Sea. The Course of Russian History. The Role of Rivers, Portages, Ostrogs, Monasteries, and Furs (New York, 1970), p. 86; Raymond H. Fisher, The Russian Fur Trade, 1550–1700 (Berkeley, 1943), chs. 1–3; Mark Bassin, ‘Expansionism and Colonialism on the Eastern Frontier: Views of Siberia and the Far East in Pre-Petrine Russia’, Journal of Historical Geography, vol. 14, no. 1 (1988), pp. 3–21.

6Lantzeff, Siberia in the Seventeenth Century, pp. 87–91; Hartley, Siberia, pp. 38–41; Lincoln, The Conquest of a Continent, pp. 45–6, 61; Forsyth, A History of the Peoples of Siberia, pp. 33–5, 61–6; Valerie Kivelson, ‘Claiming Siberia: Colonial Possession and Property Holding in the Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries’, in Nicholas B. Breyfogle et al. (eds.), Peopling the Russian Periphery: Borderland Colonization in Eurasian History (London, 2007), pp. 27–32.

7Lincoln, The Conquest of a Continent, pp. 81–2; Fisher, The Russian Fur Trade, ch. 6; Janet Martin, Treasure from

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