
14 严峻的考验

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th Century’, pp. 52–3.

33Iadrintsev, Russkaia obshchina, p. 523; Gentes, Exile to Siberia, pp. 117–18; RGIA, f. 1264, op. 1, d. 400 (1824), ll. 1–4; RGIA, f. 1281, op. 6, d. 27 (1856), 14 ob–15.

34Ssylka v Sibir’. Ocherk ee istorii i sovremennogo polozheniia (St. Petersburg, 1900), pp. 46–7; Alan Wood, ‘The Use and Abuse of Administrative Exile to Siberia’, Irish Slavonic Studies (1985), no. 6, p. 69; V. N. Dvorianov, V sibirskoi dal’nei storone…(Ocherki istorii politicheskoi katorgi i ssylki. 60-e gody XVIII v.—1917 g.) (Minsk, 1985), p. 27; Ivan Turgenev, ‘Punin and Baburin’ in Youth and Age: Three Short Novels by Ivan Turgenev, trans. Marion Mainwaring (London, 1968), pp. 31–4.

35Jerome Blum, Lord and Peasant in Russia: From the Ninth to the Nineteenth Century (Princeton, 1961), p. 430.

36Andrew A. Gentes, ‘“Completely Useless”: Exiling the Disabled to Tsarist Siberia’, Sibirica, vol. 10, no. 2 (Summer 2011), p. 33; Ssylka v Sibir’, pp. 54–6; RGIA, f. 1286, op. 10, d. 1090 (1846), ll. 7–8; RGIA, f. 1286, op. 16, d. 671 (1855), ll. 4–7.

37Robert J. Abbott, ‘Police Reform in the Russian Province of Iaroslavl, 1856–1876’, Slavic Review, vol. 32, no. 2 (1973), p. 293; Neil Weissman, ‘Regular Police in Tsarist Russia, 1900–1914’, The Russian Review, vol. 44, no. 1 (January 1985), p. 49; Stephen P. Frank, Crime, Cultural Conflict and Justice in Rural Russia, 1856–1914 (Berkeley, 1999), pp. 30–36, 236–41.

38Wood, ‘The Use and Abuse’, pp. 69–70; Anuchin, O protsente soslannykh, pp. 310–12; Ssylka v Sibir’, ch. 2; Hughes, The Fatal Shore, pp. 72–3, 163.

39David F. Lindenfeld, The Practical Imagination: The German Sciences of the State in the Nineteenth Century (Chicago, 1997), ch. 1; Marc Raeff, The Well-Ordered Police State: Social and Institutional Change through Law in the Germanies and Russia, 1600–1800 (New Haven, 1983), pp. 204–50; Pipes, Russia Under the Old Regime, p. 128.

40RGIA, f. 1374, op. 6, d. 1366 (1800), ll. 1–19; Ssylka v Sibir’, pp. 47–8; A. D. Kolesnikov, ‘Ssylka i zaselenie Sibiri’, in L. M. Goriushkin (ed.), Ssylka i katorga v Sibiri (XVIII—nachalo XX v.) (Novosibirsk, 1975), p. 42; Gentes, ‘“Completely Useless”’, p. 31; Daniel Beer, ‘Penal Deportation to Siberia and the Limits of State Power, 1801–1881’, Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History, vol. 16, no. 3 (2015), pp. 621–50.

41Marc Raeff, Siberia and the Reforms of 1822 (Seattle, 1956), pp. 59–62; Marc Raeff, Michael Speransky: Statesman of Imperial Russia, 1772–1839 (The Hague, 1957); Gentes, Exile to Siberia, pp. 156–201.

42Andrew Gentes, ‘“Licentious Girls” and Frontier Domesticators: Women and Siberian Exile from the Late Sixteenth to the Early Nineteenth Centuries’, Sibirica, vol. 3, no. 1 (2003), pp. 3–20; Abby M. Schrader, ‘Unruly Felons and Civilizing Wives: Cultivating Marriage in the Siberian Exile System, 1822–1860’, Slavic Review, vol. 66, no.

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