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L. Ransel (eds.), Imperial Russia: New Histories for the Empire (Bloomington, IN, 1998), pp. 60–86; William G. Wagner, Marriage, Property and Law in Late Imperial Russia (Oxford, 1994); Pavla Miller, Transformations of Patriarchy in the West, 1500–1900 (Bloomington, IN, 1998); Susan K. Morrissey, Suicide and the Body Politic in Imperial Russia (Cambridge, 2006), ch. 5.

4Andrew A. Gentes, ‘“Licentious Girls” and Frontier Domesticators: Women and Siberian Exile from the Late Sixteenth to the Early Nineteenth Centuries’, Sibirica, vol. 3, no. 1 (2003), pp. 3–20.

5Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, trans. Alan Sheridan (New York, 1995); RGIA, f. 1149, t. 5, d. 68 (1860), ll. 16–17; RGIA, f. 1149, op. 9, d. 3 (1877), l. 758.

6Abby M. Schrader, ‘Unruly Felons and Civilizing Wives: Cultivating Marriage in the Siberian Exile System, 1822–1860’, Slavic Review, vol. 66, no. 2 (Summer 2007), pp. 230–56; Andrew A. Gentes, ‘Sakhalin’s Women: The Convergence of Sexuality and Penology in Late Imperial Russia’, Ab Imperio, 2003, no. 2, pp. 115–37.

7RGIA, f. 1149, t. 5, d. 68 (1860), ll. 17 ob–18 ob.

8E. N. Anuchin, Issledovaniia o protsente soslannykh v Sibiri’ v period 1827–1846 godov. Materialy dlia ugolovnoi statistiki Rossii (St. Petersburg, 1873), p. 310; RGIA, f. 1264, op. 1, d. 427 (1828), l. 14 ob; RGIA, f. 1264, op. 1, d. 53 (1829), ll. 161–2; Statisticheskie svedeniia o ssyl’nykh v Sibiri za 1833 i 1834 gody (St. Petersburg, 1837), pp. 57, 64, 66–7.

9Chekhov, Sakhalin Island, p. 226; RGIA, f. 1652, op. 1, d. 197 (1877), l. 2 ob; Ssylka v Sibir’. Ocherk ee istorii i sovremennogo polozheniia (St. Petersburg, 1900), appendices 2–3; A. D. Margolis, ‘Chislennost’ i razmeshchenie ssyl’nykh v Sibiri v kontse XIX veka’, in idem, Tiur’ma i ssylka v imperatorskoi Rossii. Issledovaniia i arkhivnye nakhodki (Moscow, 1995), p. 32.

10RGIA, f. 1264, op. 1, d. 51 (1828), l. 186; ‘Smes’’, Zhurnal Ministerstva Vnutrennykh Del, 1833, part 5, no. 8, pp. 226–7.

11RGIA, f. 1264, op. 1, d. 427 (1828), l. 101; RGIA, f. 1264, op. 1, d. 427 (1828), ll. 116–18, 125 ob–128, 182; Schrader, ‘Unruly Felons and Civilizing Wives’, pp. 249–50; RGIA, f. 1286, op. 7, d. 341 (1840), l. 36 ob.

12Statisticheskie svedeniia o ssyl’nykh, p. 67.

13Margolis, ‘Chislennost’ i razmeshchenie ssyl’nykh’, p. 31; Schrader, ‘Unruly Felons and Civilizing Wives’, p. 247.

14GARF, f. 122, 3 dp., op. 5, d. 1534 (1891), ll. 1, 7; GATOvgT, f. 330, op. 2, d. 157 (1890), ll. 894, 1394–5.

15‘Ustav o ssyl’nykh’, no. 759, in Uchrezhdenie dlia upravleniia sibirskikh gubernii (St. Petersburg, 1822).

16RGIA, f. 1286, op. 8, d. 426 (1841), ll. 6–7, 16–17.

17RGIA, f. 1286, op. 38, d. 334 (1877), ll. 1–7.

18Chekhov, Sakhalin Island, p. 234; GARF, f. 122, 3 dp., op. 5, d. 1154 (1885), ll. 293–4.

19RGIA, f. 1405, op. 90

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