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der Oye, Toward the Rising Sun: Russian Ideologies of Empire and the Path to War with Japan (DeKalb, IL, 2001), ch. 2.

24A. V. Remnev, Rossiia Dal’nego Vostoka: imperskaia geografiia vlasti XIX–nachala XX vekov (Omsk, 2004), pp. 399–410; Ilya Vinkovetsky, Russian America: An Overseas Colony of a Continental Empire (New York, 2011), pp. 65–6.

25Willard Sunderland, ‘The “Colonization Question”: Visions of Colonization in Late Imperial Russia’, Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, vol. 48, no. 2 (2000), pp. 210–32; A. V. Remnev, ‘Colonization and “Russification” in the Imperial Geography of Asiatic Russia: From the Nineteenth to the Early Twentieth Centuries’, in Uyama Tomohiko (ed.), Asiatic Russia: Imperial Power in Regional and International Contexts (London, 2012), pp. 108–9.

26A. Roger Ekirch, Bound for America: The Transportation of British Convicts to the Colonies, 1718–1775 (Oxford, 1987), pp. 207–12; Robert Hughes, The Fatal Shore: A History of the Transportation of Convicts to Australia, 1787–1868 (London, 1986), ch. 14: Kirsten McKenzie, Scandal in the Colonies: Sydney and Cape Town, 1820–1850 (Carlton, 2004); Hamish Maxwell-Stewart, Closing Hell’s Gates: The Death of a Convict Station (Sydney, 2008); D. Meredith and D. Oxley, ‘Condemned to the Colonies: Penal Transportation as the Solution to Britain’s Law and Order Problem’, Leidschrift, vol. 22, no. 1 (April 2007), pp. 36–9.

27Vlasenko, ‘Ugolovnaia ssylka’, p. 212.

28RGIA, f. 1652, op. 1, d. 197 (1877), l. 10; RGIA, f. 1149, op. 9, d. 3 (1877), l. 775; RGIA, f. 1586, op. 1, d. 1 (1885), l. 62.

29N. M. Iadrintsev, ‘Statisticheskie materialy k istorii ssylki v Sibiri’, Zapiski Irkutskogo otdela geograficheskogo obshchestva (St. Petersburg, 1889), vol. 6, p. 330; A. D. Margolis, ‘Chislennost’ i razmeshchenie ssyl’nykh v Sibiri v kontse XIX veka’, in idem, Tiur’ma i ssylka v imperatorskoi Rossii. Issledovaniia i arkhivnye nakhodki (Moscow, 1995), pp. 33–4.

30RGIA, f. 1149, op. 9, d. 3 (1877), ll. 337–777; Ssylka v Sibir’, Ocherk ee istorii i sovremennogo polozheniia (St. Petersburg, 1900), pp. 78–80; Bruce F. Adams, The Politics of Punishment: Prison Reform in Russia, 1863–1917 (DeKalb, IL, 1996), pp. 97–120.

31E. Frish, Prilozhenie k predstavleniiu v Gosurdarstvennyi sovet o sokrashchenii ssylki v Sibir’ (St. Petersburg, 1887), p. 4.

32RGIA, f. 1286, op. 28, d. 920 (1869), l. 122; RGIA, f. 1286, op. 38, d. 380 (1877), l. 5; N. M. Iadrintsev, Russkaia obshchina v tiur’me i ssylke (St. Petersburg, 1872), pp. 541–2.

33RGIA, f. 1405, op. 88, d. 10215 (1879), ll. 447–53; Margolis, ‘Chislennost’ i razmeshchenie ssyl’nykh’, p. 31; GARF, f. 122, 3 dp., op. 5, d. 2786a (1895), l. 15 ob.

34‘Arestanty v Sibiri’, Sovremennik, 1863, no. 11, pp. 133–75; S. V. Maksimov, Sibir’ i katorga (St. Petersburg, 1871); Grigorii Fel’dshtein, Ssylka. Ocherki ee genezisa, znacheniia, istorii i s

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