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uditskii (ed.), Istoriia otkrytiia morskogo puti iz Evropy v sibirskie reki i do Beringova proliva, 2 vols. (St. Petersburg, 1883), vol. 1, pp. 198–9.

45RGIA, f. 1286, op. 38, d. 465 (1877), l. 33; Studitskii (ed.), Istoriia otkrytiia morskogo puti, vol. 1, p. 200; TsGIA SPb, f. 254, op. 1, d. 10688 (1877–8), l. 1; AAN SPb, f. 270, op. 1, d. 417 (1878), l. 21; AAN SPb, f. 270, op. 1, d. 417 (1878), l. 9.

46Dameshek and Remnev (eds.), Sibir’ v sostave Rossiiskoi Imperii, pp. 40–72; Frithjof Benjamin Schenk, Russlands Fahrt in die Moderne: Mobilität und sozialer Raum im Eisenbahnzeitalter (Stuttgart, 2014), pp. 92–6; Sunderland, ‘The “Colonization Question”’, pp. 217–26; Remnev, ‘Colonization and “Russification”’, pp. 102–8.

47Lincoln, The Conquest of a Continent, p. 259; L. M. Goriushkin, ‘Migration, Settlement and the Rural Economy of Siberia, 1861–1914’, in Alan Wood (ed.), The History of Siberia from Russian Conquest to Revolution (London, 1991), pp. 140–57; Donald W. Treadgold, The Great Siberian Migration: Government and Peasant Resettlement from Emancipation to the First World War (Princeton, 1957); Sunderland, ‘The “Colonization Question”’, pp. 211–13.

48Charles Steinwedel, ‘Resettling People, Unsettling the Empire: Migration and the Challenge of Governance, 1861–1917’, in Nicholas B. Breyfogle, Abby Schrader and Willard Sunderland (eds.), Peopling the Periphery: Borderland Colonization in Eurasian History (London, 2007), pp. 129–31; Sankt-Peterburgskie vedomosti, 13 January 1904 (cited in Anatolyi Remnev, ‘Siberia and the Russian Far East in the Imperial Geography of Power’, in Jane Burbank, Mark von Hagen and Anatolyi Remnev (eds.), Russian Empire: Space, People, Power, 1700–1930 (Bloomington, 2007), p. 445.

49‘Po povodu predstoiashchego preobrazovaniia katorgi i ssylki’, Tiuremnyi vestnik, 1899, no. 6, p. 249.

50Ssylka v Sibir’, pp. 134–5, 333–4, 337.

51A. P. Chekhov, ‘V ssylke’, in idem, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii i pisem, 20 vols. (Moscow, 1944–51), vol. 8, pp. 79–87; F. Kriukov, ‘V rodnykh mestakh’, Russkoe bogatstvo, 1903, no. 9, pp. 5–34; V. Krylov, ‘V glushi Sibiri’, Vestnik Evropy, 1893, no. 5, pp. 65–95; L. Mel’shin [P. F. Iakubovich], ‘Kobylka v puti’, Russkoe bogatstvo, 1896, no. 8, pp. 5–37; M. Paskevich, ‘Katorzhnaia’, Zhenskoe delo, 1900, no. 2, pp. 46–63; P. Khotymskii, ‘Na novom meste’, Vestnik Evropy, 1903, no. 5, pp. 156–80; no. 6, pp. 562–83; Lauren Leighton, ‘Korolenko’s Stories of Siberia’, Slavonic and East European Review, vol. 49, no. 115 (April 1971), pp. 200–213; Harriet Murav, ‘“Vo Glubine Sibirskikh Rud”: Siberia and the Myth of Exile’, in Diment and Slezkine (eds.), Between Heaven and Hell: The Myth of Siberia in Russian Culture ( New York, 1993), pp. 95–111.

52Vostochnoe obozrenie, 1 October 1889, no. 4, p. 9.

53Leo Tolstoy, Resurrection, trans. Anthony Briggs (London, 2009), p. 472 [translation modified].

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